to May 27

Birth of A Parent

  • 115 West Magnolia Street, #209 Bellingham, WA, 98225 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A guided six-week group to explore the transformational journey of parenthood.

What will it look like when you get there? How will you feel when you arrive? How will you be changed?

Throughout your pregnancy, you’ll find many resources and classes around preparing for the birth of your baby. But what almost no one talks about is that two births actually occur: the birth of the baby and the birth of the parent. This major life transition – which can be both joyful and challenging – is accompanied by massive identity shifts. Preparing for it is so important for postpartum and beyond.

You’re invited to join an intimate group of parents, along with experienced facilitators Dorcas Nung, LMFT and Kelly Villarreal (YACEP, RYT-500) in a supportive space to get you ready to step into a new part of your life. 

In the company of other parents-to-be and two experienced facilitators, we’ll have the opportunity to explore with curiosity what the birth of a parent is.

In six weekly, in-person sessions for you, you’ll find: 

  • A “braver” space to explore and honor the self

  • Reflective group discussion

  • Exploration of the identity shifts and developmental tasks that accompany this life transition

  • Trauma-informed movement

  • Mindfulness tools with themes that support your own curiosity and wonder, strength and resilience

  • Self-inquiry exercises and journaling

  • Meaningful community and connections you can carry beyond the group.

Birthing and non-birthing people are welcome regardless of age, gender identity, sexual orientation, as well as those making the transition from parents of one (or more) to parents of many. Consider joining our Spring 2022 group!

Cost: We offer a tiered pricing structure for this course in hopes of making it accessible to as many people as possible. 

Sustainer $240
The sustainer level cost helps support the actual cost of the program. Please select this level if you are able to pay the full cost of the course. 

Nurturer $300
The nurturer level cost contributes a little extra to allow us to offer access to more members of our community. This cost might be for you if you: have access to reliable income, can access self-care opportunities like yoga classes & therapy co-pays, and/or enjoy a meal out without anxiety. This is an opportunity to help support those in our community with less access and leverage some of our resources for community care.   

Supporter: $150
A reduced fee to make the course accessible to members of our community with limited financial resources. Consider selecting this fee level if the higher price points would prevent you from accessing our offering. You might also select this pricing if you’ve experienced systemic oppression due to race, gender, orientation, or other. We lovingly offer this price to those in need of some community care (limited spaces available at this rate).

The Facilitators
Dorcas is a mom of one ever-curious kiddo who reminds her daily of the importance of wonder. Since 2003, she has been serving children, teens, and families of all types and runs a therapeutic practice in Bellingham. She has specialized training and experience in perinatal anxiety and mood disorders, infant mental health, and child development/sensory needs in relation to mental health. She especially loves working with people going through the rite of passage toward first-time parenthood.

Kelly Villarreal is a mom of three busy young kids and an experienced movement and mindfulness facilitator. Kelly is an RYT-500 certified yoga instructor with a specialty RPYT (prenatal) credential and trauma-informed training who loves helping people deepen their inner connection through intuitive, body-based practices and group discussion. 

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